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Submit a Brand
While we aren't super strict about only listing 'true' CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) brands, we do try to stick to smaller goods, and steer away from big ticket items such as furniture, or apparel of any kind.
Your best guess. Our team will always review, but this gives us a starting point.
Select all that apply. We know you may offer other additional services, but what did you do specifically for this brand?
We review every submission, and will let you know if yours is selected! In the meantime, we'll keep you posted on the latest brands and resources that go live on our website.
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Serious Studio
Seven to Sunday
Share Local Media
Sharma Brands
Sircle Media
Small Dev Shop Inc
Smash Cactus Media
Solrise Creative
Something Massive
Sorry Studio
Spring Sisters
Stack Influence
Stranger Creative
Studio Aperitif
Studio Ethur Ethur
Studio HMVD
Studio Lepōs
Studio Murnane